Projeto de investigação apoiado pela Fundação Bial publicado na revista “Scientific Reports”

Projeto de investigação apoiado pela Fundação Bial publicado na revista “Scientific Reports”

No âmbito do projeto de investigação 122/14 - Internal and External World in Parietal Cortex, financiado pela Fundação BIAL, a equipa de investigação liderada por Paolo Capotosto, publicou o artigo Temporal dynamics of TMS interference over preparatory alpha activity during semantic decisions na revista Scientific Reports.

Segundo o investigador principal: “Anticipatory EEG alpha (8-12 Hz) power de-synchronization (ERD), a robust electrophysiological correlate of task anticipation, tends to increase and to peak just before target presentation in paradigm using a fixed period between warning and target stimuli. During a semantic decision task, we report that transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) of left angular gyrus (AG) shortened the peak latency and decreased the peak amplitude of the anticipatory alpha ERD, thus supporting the causal role of the AG in the anticipation of a semantic decision task and suggesting that TMS interrupts the typical alpha ERD temporal evolution in paradigms employing fixed cue-target intervals."

Projeto de investigação apoiado pela Fundação Bial publicado na revista “Scientific Reports”

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